KW500 Special sealing grease for gate valve
产品描述 Description
KW-500 special sealing grease for gate valve is inorganically thickened with polymer synthetic oil, contains special EP antioxidant additives and contains hydrogen sulfide and carbon dioxide inhibitors. It is specially designed for gate valves under extreme pressure, flowing hydrocarbons, high concentrations of CO2 and hydrogen sulfide. (H2S) Developed under these extremely harsh conditions, KW-500 sealing grease can withstand these and continue to provide lubrication and protection to the valve.
产品特性 Product Features
Hydrocarbon Resistant - Resistant to reservoir-generated fluids and will not break down and dissolve.
Corrosion Protection - Provides resistance to corrosive liquids and gases, forming a protective barrier on the valve metal surface.
Metal Adhesion - Excellent metal adhesion, providing longer retention time in the valve cavity to effectively provide protection and plug the valve cavity "void" space.
Wear Protection - Special lubricants and solid lubricants are added to withstand the pressure differentials encountered during valve cycling, which is especially important when the valve begins to wear.
Excellent Gate Valve Sealing - Specialized valve sealants also provide optimal sealing properties to help maintain overall valve performance.
Can be pumped manually at -29°C.
规格参数 Specifications
项目 Ite | 测试指标 Test Indicator |
稠化剂 Thickener | 无机 Inorganic |
基础油类型 Base oil type | 合成油 Synthetic oil |
外观 Appearance | 粘性膏体 Sticky paste |
NLGI等级 NLGI level | 1-2 |
温度范围 Temperature range | WG:-29℃-200℃ WGX:-46℃-200℃ |
四球极压测试IP239 Four-ball extreme pressure test IP23 | 烧结负荷值>600kg Sintering load value>600kg |
水冲洗测试38℃ Water rinse test 38℃ | 重量损失<10% Weight loss<10% |
润滑脂分油量IP121 Grease oil content IP121 | 120℃<2%/7天 120℃<2%/7 days |
可耐受介质 Tolerable media
原油、天然气、冷凝水 Crude oil, natural gas, condensate
硫化氢和二氧化碳 Hydrogen sulfide and carbon dioxide
海水/浓盐水 Sea water/concentrated salt water
酸化压裂(盐酸和氢氟酸) Acid fracturing (hydrochloric acid and hydrofluoric acid)
柴油 Diesel fuel
钻探泥浆 Drilling mud
Similar foreign products RC601、RC601WG
Suitable for gate valves and plug valves in crude oil and natural gas production equipment. Especially suitable for applications in environments containing high-sulfur crude oil, sour gas, acid slurry and multi-condensate.